Welcome Home
A place of co-creation
What is home for you? For me it is inner peace. How often do people tell me, that they are not able to find that place in them and to stop their thoughts. That they are caught in a carousel of different ideas, opinions, beliefs and projections. When the ride on this carousel gets faster we tend to get overwhelmed and we can feel this in our bodies combined with a new experience on the emotional rollercoaster. Mind and Body need the right nurturing to function well but in a world where we are exposed to so many informations and different impulses we don't even have the time to ask ourselves anymore what is right for me? The canvas of our life is full of what "others" painted on it and we can't see our original essence anymore. Giving you guidance in this chaos is only one of the contributions we can offer you. We'll help your mind and body to be more centered so that both can operate from a place that is more beneficial for yourself and your environement. From a place you remember. A place called home.
Foto by Geralt on Pixabay
Creating new perspectives
Following new impulses
Thank you for considering to work with us. A selection of the things we do is the easiest way to present some of the aspects of the complete work.
® “VortexHealing" is a registered service mark of the R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org.
Upcoming Events
Tanja K. Germany
Both the online courses and the live courses have really convinced me. I have purchased various courses and have already been able to take part in a longer training course. All the materials provided are very well prepared. Questions are answered quickly and competently. I have noticed many positive changes in myself and my environment and feel very balanced, relaxed and strengthened. I am particularly surprised of AKAWA. I would not have thought it possible. It really clears my head and I usually have much more clarity afterwards to tackle my projects. As soon as live courses take place again, I will certainly be there again.
Heidi brings a lot of skills and experience to her events. The exchange with her and the other participants is more than valuable. I am grateful to have found her and her work.
Katharina N. Germany
I met Heidi at a KAP workshop in Berlin. Since then we have been connected online. I have participated in her 4-week courses several times and I can say that I am no longer the same person I was before I met her. I have connected with my true essence, I know what I want to do and achieve in life. I have so much confidence in everything that happens. I feel like I can just fall and the universe will catch me. There is no more fear of the future. I have learned to surrender and let go. People and animals react differently to me. I feel that I have a positive impact on people's lives just by being around them. What one normally achieves in several years, I have achieved in such an incredibly short time with Heidi's help that it is hard to believe. I am forever grateful to her. Many, many thanks, Heidi.
Ute N. Germany
Heidi K. from the Mindfeed Institute is, besides all her professional competence and her broad spectrum of skills and abilities, deeply HUMAN. I know that she has courageously and consistently gone through her own challenging and deep healing and unfolding process. This enables her to accompany people competently in their individual processes. I always enjoy her presence, her clear communication and her appreciative and empathic attitude. She is just as clear and attentive to herself as she is to her counterpart. Our encounters, our conversations and our work together have always been inspiring and have greatly supported and "pushed" my development and reorientation. I am grateful to her from the bottom of my heart!