A guiding light on your path
The original state of our being in awareness is a state of wholeness. It is natural, simple and clear. The impulses given in the personal mentoring will remind you of that state and help you to let go of limiting beliefs, patterns and unhelpful expectations.
Personalized Solutions
Direct Support by Mentor
Broader view of the person
Focus on multi-level development
Helps you determine goals
Experienced Professional

What to expect?
Prepare for a new level
In our first talk we will see where you are at the moment. What is your point of departure and where are you at? Once I can localize you, we will look into the best steps for you to get to the destination you want. And who knows? Sometimes the destination changes during the process because your inner compass suddenly gets more clarity navigating the ocean of life. Be open for a special journey back into wholeness and clarity.
If you are interested in mentoring please send an email. Price depends on the programm necessary for you.